Dallas, TX: Brain injury changes a person’s life. Even if the person does not feel or find out the damage after the impact on the head after, chances are that he / she would face some sort of emotional or physical malfunctioning or changes that could modify the usefulness of ones life. Eberstein & Witherite, the brain injury attorneys in Dallas have been helping victims suffering from brain injuries in pursuing the rightful compensation they deserve for the closed head injury inflicted to them.
The Dallas, brain injury lawyers explain that brain injury result from car, truck or any automobile accidents. It can also be inflicted by slip and fall on road, pavement, walk ways or from a falling object on a construction site. In any case the victim is usually not at fault. Over a million US citizens are treated for brain injuries each year and more than 50% suffer from severe disabilities. Many do not realize what after effects they could face after the impact on the heads.
These people face permanent or partial disablement, memory loss, paralysis, vision loss or blurred vision, speech dysfunction, loss of sexual functioning and many more problems that can alter ones practicality in life leaving the victim and their families to face mounting medical bills, loss of wages and heath care problems.
Eberstein & Witherite, the brain injury attorneys in Dallas takes care of the injured. The expert attorneys have experience of evaluating the case and investigate the link between the accident and the brain injury of the victim. The Dallas personal injury law firm states, “If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation. The Eberstein & Witherite, LLP, Dallas brain injury lawyers may be able to assist you. Contact us to speak directly with an attorney who will listen to you first and then provide straight answers in plain English or Spanish.”
Visit http://www.dallastexaspersonalinjurylawyers.com/spinal-cord-brain-injury.htm for information and for seeking help to file for compensation.