New York entertainment attorney alerts lawsuit filed in New York State Supreme Court. Music artist, Prince, sued for breach of contract entertainment law suit.
Educated New York contract licensing agreement attorney alerts of a recent lawsuit filed in the New York State Supreme Court by perfume manufacturer, Revelations, against the music artist known as Prince and Universal Music Publishing Group. The legal action documents filed in court say Revelations, the maker of 3121 fragrance named for Prince’s 2006 album, has brought a breach of contract litigation against Prince and Universal Music Publishing Group for $100,000. The music artist and music publishing company are being sued for failing to help promote Revelations perfume as outlined in their licensing contract. Prince and his music publisher, Universal Music Publishing Group, had a licensing agreement with the perfume company in December 2006, to use Prince’s name and likeness with the name “3121” to market two fragrance products.
Specialized New York City entertainment contract litigation attorney informs American entertainers and entertainment companies the importance of having a professional contract lawyer knowledgeable in identifying the following entertainment industry standards regarding:
-Production, publishing, trademark, screenplay, film, music, software, intellectual property, copyright, trade secrets and many other areas of show biz law
-Ability to interpret and draft contracts
-Can negotiate, arbitrate, and mediate a deal or agreement
-Skilled in all types of contract transactions involving areas such as employment law, media law, entertainment law, copyright law, securities law, immigration law and insurance law
Skilled New York entertainment law agent advises all multimedia artists before entering into any legal contract agreement, especially in the multimedia industry, to consult with a law professional specializing in the broadcast and entertainment industry. This will help protect various financial, personal, and intellectual property trade secrets involving you and show business industry.