2nd Europe Upstream 2009
Europe Upstream 2009 is the key exploration and development event on
Europe and Eurasia, stretching from the Arctic reaches to the
Mediterranean, including critical relations with peripheral energy
zones, designed for the global oil exploration and gas-LNG industry.
Companies and Government decision-makers along with senior oil
executives are expected to participate.
The Europe Upstream Conference, one of its’ kind in and on Europe, will focus on exploration development,
new investment and oil-gas projects, energy law and oil finance, contracts and acreage licensing.
Europe Upstream Includes
* PetroEuropa Dinner: 11 May 2009
* Europe Upstream 11 12 May 2009
Take the opportunity to promote your company as a Sponsor or Exhibitor
Special Roundtable Discussions Include
Global Energy Roundtable 2009: World Energy Scenarios Global Oil
Unique Panel Discussion, with Presentation by our lead Speaker, on the
critical issues confronting an uncertain world and the European upstream
industries, in oil and gas-LNG, corporate strategy, security of supply,
and future oil/gas investment
Lead-In Discussant
Professor Coby van der Linde, Head, Clingendael International Energy
Programme, Netherlands Institute of International Relations
Europe-Mediterranean Gas Roundtable 2009 : Europe’s Future Oil/Gas
Vulnerabilities Strategies
Unique Panel Discussion, with Presentation by our lead Speaker, on
critical issues confronting Europe’s gas/LNG industry, from Russia to
North Africa in
strategy, security of supply, and investment.
Lead-In Discussant
Edwin Bowles, President CEO RJ Energy
Russian Oil Gas In Uncertain Times
Special focus on Russian oil resources and reserves, uncertainties for
global/Europe oil and gas markets, resource nationalism, the scramble
for control, and strategies for survival and success by corporate
players worldwide along the food chain.
Dr Duncan Clarke, Chairman CEO , Global Pacific Partners
For Further details
* Program Details: babette@glopac.com or amanda@glopac.com
* Sponsor Opportunities: amanda@glopac.com
* Registration: tanya@glopac.com