– The shopping centre is not for shopping?
/EIN News/
Though recently the financial crisis is storming the world, it seems that supermarkets do not suffer from the lack of clients. is wondering – is it because of the bargain sales? Or perhaps the supermarkets are willing to offer their clients more than just regular products.
Evidently the primary shopping centre’s goal is commerce. But the cunning marketing strategists have long realized that the clients visit malls not just to shop. People might also want to appreciate fine architectural design. But while they’re at it, they might as well buy something.
The design of mall’s aesthetical exterior is becoming an essential member of the formula – visit, admire, buy. The accredited architects join the cause willingly. Although recently skeptically overlooked the designing of shopping centers has now become the new brand of monumental architecture. At the same time it is a profitable source of income in these troubled times, when the need for house design has greatly diminished.
Today the supermarkets compete not only by lowering their prices, but also in the architectural field. Back in the day the shopping malls could be easily mistaken for the shoes box and differed only in size. Today the tendencies are different – mall’s architectural design, its originality is at the top of the list. The improved commerce has encouraged the further investments in the trademark’s image creation. For these reasons creativity became the vital part of marketing.
For the time being the supermarkets were built similarly to storage houses. The space to store goods was the fundamental criteria of construction. Meanwhile the modern supermarkets are more similar to miniature cities with their own streets, plazas, fountains, benches and trees. If the “shoe boxes” were claustrophobic and gloomy, modern malls prefer glass constructions, allowing natural sunlight illumination.
The new conception of supermarket is based on leisure activities. The mall has to provide the client with promenade spaces, pleasurable activities outside the shops, restaurants, cafés, leisure zones or simply the comfy bench under the palm tree.
Despite the leisure zones, the client is always tempted to visit the shops. It is recommended to plan out the guide spot boards for the clients – the future buyer shouldn’t waste his time wondering the alleys while searching for the desired destination. The main thing is the comfort.
It is important to understand that the same space can by attended by thousands of peoples at a time. Whether the clients are buying, dining or walking they must all feel comfortable. It is crucial to plan the space for the people with small children and also the handicapped.
The locations of different shops should bee planed carefully, so that they could be easily found. For example, the same location could be shared by the shops of similar assortment (products for children, cosmetics etc.) or the brands of the same country (Italian fashion).
The analysts conclude that in the near future the shopping centers will more likely remind amusement parks, providing not only the shopping space but also a zone for lively promenades. The design should become simpler, containing less flashing commercial boards. The nature oppressed by the growing city will be able take refuge under the supermarket’s dome and the people longing for peace and quite may once again find it in the buzzing space of the shopping center.
For more information please contact:
Simonas Rudaminas
WORLD-ESTATE project manager
Mob.: +370 656 88777