/EIN News/ Children’s Plays and School Assembly Resources from Music for Schools Ltd.
Special attention is being given by teachers to Music for Schools Ltd. (www.musicforschoolsltd.co.uk) which offers an innovative range of primary school songs CDs and musicals for schools. These original school assembly resources are now helping KS1 and KS2 teachers explore important areas of the PSHE and Science curricula, through songs and music.
Music for Schools Ltd. has recently enjoyed widespread interest from UK primary schools in its songs CDs relating to healthy eating and environmental issues. For healthy eating it offers two products, both of which are designed as classroom and school assembly resources – Try Something New (CD for ages 5 to 9) and Fit Food Five (booklet with CD for ages 7 to 14). Environmental issues and solutions are explored with its CD, Go For Green – a collection of eight eco songs for ages 7 to 11. Several UK councils have keenly equipped all their primary schools with these resources. You can find out more by visiting http://www.musicforschoolsltd.co.uk .
Whilst Music for Schools Ltd. is known to the majority of UK schools for its all-year-round children’s plays and childrens Christmas songs, the company’s recent development of curriculum related musical works responds to a growing need and interest from UK primary schools looking to develop and rejuvenate their school assembly resources.
Music for Schools Limited is also welcomed by UK schools because of its realistic policy allowing purchasing UK schools the right to publicly perform its works, without further royalty fees due. This is on condition that public performances will take place in the purchasing school venue and/or its local community only. Their childrens Christmas songs Christmas school plays, Easter and all-year-round musicals continue to develop in response to the needs of busy schools and teachers. The company will soon announce more exciting children’s plays and school assembly resources.
About the author :
Brendon Renwick is a teacher and music curriculum specialist, directing Music for Schools Ltd. and presenting visiting music workshops to schools in the northeast of England. Get in touch at http://www.musicforschoolsltd.co.uk/index.php/Contact-Us/ .