Dallas, Texas (JusticeNewsFlash.com) — Unfortunately, the recent economic downturn has forced employers to lay off employees, many of whom may be entitled to unemployment compensation. Unemployment compensation funds are paid to certain unemployed workers who are searching for new jobs. The Texas Workforce Commission administers this government program and distributes funds from a tax paid by most employers.
A person’s benefits are based on the worker’s earnings at his previous position and usually are paid for no more than twenty-six weeks. A person may receive benefits by meeting certain conditions, such as: being able to work, being available for work, and actively looking for full-time work. A person may not receive unemployment compensation if the person was discharged from his last position for work-related misconduct or if the person voluntarily quit without “good cause.” Work-related misconduct involves serious behavior that a worker knew or should have known could result in termination. For example, misconduct includes: missing work without notifying an employer; stealing from an employer; or disobeying direct orders. Good cause for quitting includes: not getting paid; discrimination or harassment; or unsafe working conditions.
If you would like to speak to an employment law attorney regarding unemployment benefits, contact the employment lawyers at Clouse Dunn Khoshbin LLP at info@cdklawyers.com.
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Khoshbin LLP
214.220.3833 ( fax)