Veteran-owned Biotech Startup Company Charges Health Agency (NYSDOH) with Blackballing its Initiatives
/EIN News/ New York- May 13, 2009 – A U.S. company registered by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Center for Veterans Enterprise as a veteran-run business filed complaints with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and with NYS Governor David A. Paterson, alleging discriminatory practices by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH).
“Fortunately, the VA has programs for the support of veteran-owned enterprises, and I am grateful for them,” said Gerard Sunnen, MD, president of Ozonics International, a startup company engaged in the research and development of proprietary biotechnologies, adding, 0the DOH, known for its hyperconservatism, has long had an adversarial relationship with complementary medicine research and practice; but here, there is such an extreme pattern that the very success of Ozonics is in the balance.” Dr. Sunnen reports that the DOH abuses its power by freely dispensing information that is false and clearly defamatory to Ozonics, thus severely compromising its commercial initiatives.
Information about the DOH’s actions is found in press and Internet releases entitled “New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) stops a world-first U.S.-Egyptian collaborative study on hepatitis C and blood ozonation.” This contracted study aimed to investigate the stimulating effects on the immune system of minuscule doses of ozone administered to blood, as reported by researchers in Italy, Germany, Russia, and Japan. Such immune enhancement is said to lead to viral load reduction and to the normalization of liver enzyme levels. Dr. Sunnen added, “This study carried special significance for Egypt which is overwhelmed with the highest prevalence of hepatitis C in the world. Furthermore, the fruits of this landmark research would have immediately transferred to hepatitis C sufferers in the U.S., including the one million or so veterans so afflicted.”
Another press release, “Breakthrough ozone-based medical technologies facing challenges from Department of Health (NYSDOH),” reports on impediments to research initiatives in the spectrum of potential clinical applications for ozone. Based on ozone gas’ remarkable antimicrobial properties, for example, topical oxygen/ozone mixtures have documented applications in the treatment of diabetic and pressure skin ulcers, and all manner of infected lesions, including war wounds.
“The derailment of the Egyptian hepatitis C study by the NYSDOH,” Dr. Sunnen continued, “was an affront to medical collaboration in the Middle East, which continues to have unfortunate repercussions. Additionally, research thrusts aimed at diabetic skin ulcers have met unusual resistance. And, recently, Ozonics experienced a setback in a U.S.- Australian endeavor using Ozonics’ proprietary technology integrating microwave and ultraviolet energy, and ozone, for rapidly disinfecting large spaces such as airport terminals and hospital facilities, with special reference to airborne viruses, such as influenza, in the context of epidemic situations.”
Ozonics is petitioning the Veterans Administration and NYS Governor David A. Paterson for a cease and desist directive relative to the NYSDOH’s blackballing of Ozonics’ operations. “Amazingly, a state agency – in this case the NYSDOH – is not only given power to impose its proprietary brand of laws, but is also given carte blanche for nixing legitimate medical research.” Dr. Sunnen added, “Whatever agendas are at play, such counterproductive actions only smother promising clinical initiatives, and ultimately rob patients of their hopes and their right to medical innovations.”
For more information, contact:
Gerard Sunnen, M.D.
President, Ozonics International, LLC
200 E. 33 St.
New York, NY 10016
Tel. 212-6790679