Strategic Leadership Chess Camp at The New Arabia Mountain High School
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Orrin C. and Dr. E…: The Ebony & Ivory of Teaching At-Risk Youth Life Changing Problem Solving Skills
Lithonia, GA /PRAvenueNW/ — Orrin C. and Dr. E… are passionate men. They have made it their mission to change millions of lives. They see the issues that many at-risk youth are exposed to today and realize that the way to change the world is through education, but not necessarily from books and in the classroom, but in the many powerful teaching tools that life has to offer. Orrin Hudson has taught tens of thousands of kids about life and leadership through the metaphor of chess, and Dr. E…, through his innovative approaches to therapy and lessons in power and emotion has become widely known for his ability to reach inside some of the most challenging kids and teens through many creative techniques. Both Orrin C. and Dr. E… have learned to take what life offers and have turned it into their classroom.
When: Monday June 15 through Friday June 19, 2009, 9:00 AM to 4 PM
Where: Arabia Mountain High School. 6610 Browns Mills Road Lithonia, GA 30038
Why: Attending summer camp is a great way for parents to ensure their children use the summer to continue learning during a break from school.
Be Someone, a non-profit crime prevention program created by Mr. Hudson, is bringing a unique day camp experience to metro-Atlanta youth. Using chess as a powerful means to teach about life and leadership, this camp experience will arm its participants to use brains before bullets to navigate through life’s challenges. This week-long camp experience will teach problem-solving, leadership and conflict resolution skills that each young person will be able to take with them and use for a lifetime. Dr. E… will be Mr. Hudson during this week to help educate the camp participants.
Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson, founder of Be Someone, is on a mission to help at-risk youth make better life decisions using a very unusual tool: a chessboard. Inspired to change the world from a tragic murder in 2001, Hudson to quit his job and used his life savings to found Be Someone, a not-for-profit organization designed to raise self-esteem while teaching responsibility and analytical thinking skills to at-risk children. Hudson travels the country mentoring children to value KASH – Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits – over cash. His approach has had amazing success with increasing grade point averages, classroom participation and attendance through the mantra ‘Heads up, pants up, grades up and never give up.’
Erik Fisher, PhD, aka Dr. E… has been seen on rollerblades, throwing footballs, playing darts, chess and checkers and even climbing trees with his clients of all ages. Author, Psychologist and Media Consultant, he is often providing a fresh perspective from which to view life. Dr. E… has been teaching about the roots of power, emotion and conflict for more than a decade. Fisher believes that knowledge is power, and when we understand how to find our power from within, conflicts around us melt away. His strategies have been the basis for multiple books, a feature story on CNN and hundreds of interviews around North America on television, radio, print and Internet.
Together, Orrin C. and Dr. E… are the ebony and ivory of conflict resolution, teaching kids and teens how to live in harmony.
Participants will learn the following:
· The game of chess
· Leadership skills
· Problem-solving and conflict resolution skills
· The purpose of emotions and how to manage them productively
· How to maintain a positive outlook when facing life’s challenges
· Knowledge, Attitudes Skills & Habits… and much more
A chess tournament and award ceremony will be held on Friday
The camp will be held June 15-19, 2009 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Arabia Mountain High School. 6610 Browns Mills Road Lithonia, GA 30038
For more information or to schedule an interview regarding this empowering program of change, please contact
Kate Bryant
Spaulding Communications
Telephone: (404) 270-1010×5