/EIN News/ Vancouver, BC, Canada (22 June 2009): Empowering individuals, businesses, and organizations to make informed environmental choices is the key idea behind a globally-developed bid for the .eco (Dot Eco) (http://www.doteco.info) Internet extension launched today by Big Room Inc..
Big Room Inc., a Canadian company based in Vancouver, has developed its platform and bid for the Dot Eco generic top-level domain (gTLD) along with an international team of partners, advisors, and investors with well-established roots in the sustainability and business communities. Afilias, one of the world’s most-respected registry services providers, is partnering with Big Room to operate the technical aspects of Dot Eco.
“Big Room’s Dot Eco is the right bid by the right team at the right time,” said Big Room co-founder Trevor Bowden. “Individuals and organizations want to cut through all the eco claims out there so they can make better choices. Our Dot Eco will help them do that.”
The Dot Eco system will collect and store eco-information in addition to the technical and administrative information collected when someone registers a domain name.
“By using the Internet as a global online database, Big Room’s Dot Eco will allow individuals to make informed eco-choices and it will give businesses and organizations, both big and small, an effective and inexpensive tool to share their eco performance,” Bowden added.
In keeping with the bottom-up spirit that has driven the Internet and the global sustainability community, Big Room will further refine its application through a series of worldwide public consultations to develop and refine the policies that will govern Dot Eco.
“.eco is a unique global resource which must be stewarded effectively and responsibly to promote sustainability around the world,” said Martin Atkin, Director of External & Media Relations for WWF International. “Big Room’s vision for .eco will create a new, credible and trustworthy internet extension that will make a real difference for individuals and for the environment.”
Big Room will submit its bid for Dot Eco when the application round for new gTLDs overseen by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers opens in the first quarter of 2010.
More information on the Big Room Dot Eco application is available at www.doteco.info
Media enquiries:
Tom Jennings (London)
(mobile) +44 774 003 8925
(office) +44 203 047 2308
North America
Jason Keenan (Vancouver)
(mobile) +1 604 218 7188
(office) +1 604 331 2530
About Big Room: Big Room Inc. is a Canadian company based in Vancouver, British Columbia with an office in New Haven, Connecticut. It was founded in 2007 with the goal of empowering the global community to make informed environmental and sustainability choices. Big Room’s three co-founders are committed environmentalists with a long history of working with organisations, governments and companies to bring about positive environmental and social change.
Big Room Dot ECO application
Big Room Team:
The founders of Big Room, Anastasia O’Rourke, Jacob Malthouse and Trevor Bowden, have deep sustainability expertise, having worked at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), INSEAD Business School, Yale University, Institute for Sustainable Futures, the EcoDesign Foundation, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
Afilias Global Registry Services is the world’s leading provider of Internet infrastructure solutions that connect people to their data.
AMEE’s goal is to map, measure and track all the energy data on Earth.
Laga/Deloitte assists companies in establishing, monitoring and enforcing their IP and IT platforms.
Meridian Institute helps decision makers and diverse stakeholders solve some of society’s most contentious public policy issues.
Nick Fitzpatrick, Retired, Former Head of Global Investment Consulting, Hewitt
Jonathon Hanks, Founding Partner, Incite Sustainability
Cheryl Hicks, Manager, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Gareth Hughes, Partner, Beetle Capital Partners
Jeff Keeler, Head of M&A, Iberdrola Renewables
Dr. Ashok Khosla, President, International Union for Conservation of Nature
Bill Knight, President, Hebb, Knight and Associates
David Levi, CEO, GrowthWorks Capital
David Runnalls, President, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Tom Rotherham, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Radley Yeldar
Vanda Scartezini, CEO, ALTIS Software & Services
Peter Sibley, Founder, World Television plc
Chris Walker, Climate and Energy Consultant
Professor Stuart White, Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures
Michael Young, Vice President, Product Development – Afilias Limited
Big Room Inc.
332 – 237 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6A 1X6