www.tradewaste.org to launch global waste education programme
www.tradewaste.org are currently developing a waste education programme
through www.wasteeducation.org that will provide a basic overview of waste
management and its impact on the environment
Operations Manager Richard Noble quoted “it may be optimistic but it is our
intention to make the course available to companies free of charge. For
in-house waste management policies and initiatives to work it is vital that
they start with education, this online course will provide staff with
suitable background knowledge through video and reading material to enable
them to buy into the waste management process which will in turn increase
overall productivity and participation rates. Upon successful completion of
the course candidates will be able to download their certificate”
Richard went on to say “we are very excited by this latest venture; there is
no reason why this can not be rolled out on a global basis as the general
principles of waste management and the effects on the environment are
consistent across the world, however this needs to be sustainable on a
commercial level and we are currently seeking sponsors for the project”
The course is expected to be launched within the next 6 months, any
expressions of interest from suitable sponsors should be directed to Richard
Noble info@tradewaste.org or on 0044 (0)7766 523664