/EIN Presswire/ Conference Examining Advanced Meter Data Management in the Smart Utility Revolution
Advanced Meter Data Management
Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th November 2009
Crowne Plaza The City, London
Visit us at www.smi-online.co.uk/amdm42.asp for more information!
SMI’s Advanced Meter Data Management Conference will be the first Smart Metering event to solely focus on the data security, management and utilisation challenges of the smart utility revolution.
Data Management has often been overlooked as an essential aspect of smart meter project success; however it remains one of the greatest challenges facing the creation of the smart meter infrastructure.
SMi’s two day event will bring together experienced utility companies, data management service providers and system integrators in a unique event for the industry.
Our expert line up of speakers includes:
* Ashley Pocock, Director, Home Technology, EDF Energy
* Vesa Koivisto, Business Development Manager, Fortum Distribution
* Harry Crijns, Secretary, Energy Services Networks Association
* Gorden Pedersen, Head of Metering and Installation, SEAS-NVE
* Mike Short, Vice President of Research and Development, Telefonica Europe (Chair)
* Mark Ossel, Vice-President, Echelon Energy and Utility
* Frans Campfens,Senior Consultant, AMR SmartGrids, Liander (Former Continuon Nuon)
* Howard Porter, Chief Operating Officer, BEAMA and Managing Director, ESMIG
* Ian Rose, Business Development Director, ElectraLink
* Eugen Mayer, Managing Director COO, Power Plus Communications
* Paul Mackie, Managing Enterprise Architect Energy & Utilities, Capgemini
* Frank Bochardt, Head of Smart Metering, EFR
Why should you attend this event?
* UNDERSTAND the role and importance of advanced meter data management
* HEAR from key experts from the government, associations, technology providers, expert consultants and energy companies
* COMPARE AND CONTRAST different approaches and options for advanced meter data management projects
* UPDATE your knowledge of regulation and legislation for the smart utility industry
* IDENTIFY the opportunities and challenges in this sector that could impact your organisation
Plus a Half Day Post-Conference Workshop
How MDM Supports the Business
Wednesday 11th November
Crowne Plaza The City, London
In association with
Go online at Visit us at www.smi-online.co.uk/amdm42.asp for more information!
Alternatively contact James Brady on tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6104 or email: jbrady@smi-online.co.uk