What is www.wastedirectory.us
/EIN Presswire/ www.wastedirectory.us is to be the internet industry portal for the waste & recycling industry. The site will make a definitive connection between waste & recycling companies, trade organizations, equipment vendors, related service vendors as well as “end users” from a commercial and residential standpoint. With the internet increasing in popularity in our lives, we feel the time has come for the industry to make positive, adaptable changes. We need to recognize and embrace the fact that the internet is here to stay and these changes need to happen to embrace this ever-popular and growing platform for research of and in many cases the purchase of waste & recycling equipment and services in the world. The amount of information is simply getting to dense in content and the need for a site to bring “reliable, quality, easy-to-find” information is apparent.
How will the connection be made between the waste & recycling companies, trade organizations, equipment vendors, related service vendors as well as “end users” from a commercial and residential standpoint? How will the site benefit each party?
Looking at the current state of the content out there on the internet, many manufacturers and service providers currently have their own sites with their own content promoting their own goods and services. While this is important individually to each company, it leaves some confusion in the end user’s minds as to where to go to get wholesome and reliable information. Everyone’s current sites are only as good as the traffic driven to it and the content each site holds. How does each individual site ensure they are seeing as much internet traffic as they should be? Many sites do not understand the need to be content driven. Wastedirectory.us will be the largest internet site for content on waste & recycling information in the USA…a virtual encyclopedia of the waste & recycling industry. This will allow us to become the #1 source for end users on the internet when doing research on waste & recycling equipment and services and therefore becoming a popular place for helping such end users make purchasing decisions on their needs. We intend to work with each manufacturer for the content and work with each local service to ensure that the information they seek on the internet, becomes easy to find. We also feel that due to the content of the site, we will likely become the first option when completing an internet search to the point where depending on the size of your organization, advertising dollars spent on the internet may be a wiser choice to spend with wastedirectory.us as opposed to other avenues. No longer does anyone need to worry about advertising dollars spent on the internet, wastedirectory.us can put that worry to rest and guarantee return for your internet advertising dollar and bring the internet customers into a world where the industry is on a level playing field.
How will wastedirectory.us connect the industry internally?
Another big mission for wastedirectory.us is to become not just the place for end users, but for industry professionals. We intend to be the meeting place for the industry. Everyone in the world, from manufacturer to dealer can get a free listing on wastedirectory.us…we feel the time has come for the internal disconnect the industry currently has needs to be eliminated. The waste & recycling industry will always be around and is essential to the world and is becoming more and more important in everyone’s daily lives. This industry, like many others, can benefit by having a unified voice.
Wastedirectory.us intends to:
Promote the value and virtue of the industry internally and to end users
Encourage more people to get involved in the industry and help industry people understand that their voice can be heard
Become a single platform where industry professionals can share ideas and seek employment
Provide the arm of assistance to equipment and service providers who currently do not have an internet presence or understand what they need to do to adapt to the ever changing marketplace to stay in business and sustain growth
Provide a fair platform for evaluation and comparison of manufacturer’s products
Cross-promote the industry to other industry platforms to emphasize the importance of waste & recycling on the world
Bring the “value” back to the industry by connecting with end users in a manner that depicts the industry in the light it should be-important to daily life.
For further details regarding our introductory advertising offer please email Lee Tuffin at lee@wastedirectory.us