/ EIN Presswire / With Adam DreamHealer’s innate healing abilities he is becoming one of the world’s leading experts on intention. Most who are following Adam’s journey know that our intentions influence our health and our reality. Since Adam knows without a doubt that our intentions have an influence on our health, he has a desire to prove it scientifically. Although many of you also understand this, it is important to conduct the scientific research to help others make decisions with regards to their healing. We need your help in this endeavor.
Thanks to all of the thousands of people worldwide who participated in the first Global Intention Heals Project (GIHP) by sending their intentions to our volunteer. We are awaiting the data and the interpretation of it. From our perspective, the response to this project has been amazing! We have received emails from people all around the world who are very excited to share their experiences during their participation. Some participants involved their entire church services and healing groups in the project. We will be sharing the results with you as soon as we get them. Stay Tuned for future projects!!!! Please check here for a video of the project. You must be a member to access this page.
Christine’s experience as the volunteer for the Global Intention Heals Project, (GIHP) November 8, 2009:
I was hooked up by EEG to measure my brainwaves before, during and after the global intention experiment. This happened in a separate room away from the participants, without clocks or other distractions. I was told to keep a relaxed attention, first with my eyes open, and then with my eyes closed.
This was an interesting experience, trying to keep my mind calm and focused. All kinds of thoughts came and went, interspersed with just observation and feelings within myself. On occasion I became aware to the sounds coming from the room. It seemed to go like this for a long while, I was becoming a little bit bored, when suddenly, I sensed a kind of wave, visually curling in front of me, and with it a slight vibrational tingling spreading over my whole body. Then I saw what looked like stardust, many tiny light pulses just scattering all around me. After a moment these little particles seemed to coalesce into a very bright wave of light permeating my whole body, putting me into a rolling , wave like pattern. I felt that I was rocking slightly back and forth, kind of in the infinity loop pattern. The light wave became even stronger, engulfing me. At this point I started to cough lightly, which is an impulse I often get when I am “agitated” or “moved” by deep inner or outer experience. I felt an element of apprehension, and then the mind message : “Oh, you are supposed to keep still.” I told myself, I had to suppress the cough to not spoil the experiment. I remember being drawn into the light energy again, and my cough subsided immediately. I felt heat and prickling all through my body, a rush of physical energy pulling me along. This waxed and waned, it was not a solid, fixed entity but had movement to it.
At one time my thoughts pulled me out of this visual experience, when I got back to it, the light was flickering and dying out slowly. I felt somewhat disappointed that I had lost it. However, my body continued to resonate, I felt I was wired to an ongoing energy source that made my nerves tingle, my mind seemed to be expanded . I have no idea how long this lasted, I had no sense of time at all. The only awareness I had was my body and my mind simultaneously existing, awareness shifting back and forth on a continuum. It is hard to put this into exact words.
When they told me the experiment was over, I did not want to leave it. I was in a state of vibration, of flux , of tingling, of sensations and emotions resonating within me. My heart was full of gratitude for all the people participating, sending energy to me.
Today, one day later, my body recalls the sensations vividly, I am sure it will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you to all of you!
Comments from those who connected:
As visual – From the universe came a big drill – loosened a cone shape mass from your head – a glowing light filled the spot removed it – immersed into an ocean of water sizzling (like eno) and fizzing out. Clamness came over the water – looked like the blood flowing in your head clear luminous stream. Lavone
There were 35 yoga teachers and trainers in our group today in
Toronto,(dupont and spadina) and we did a Kundalini healing meditation for
10 minutes with Christine’s picture taped up on the screen. I gave an intro
and there were a number of people in the group who knew of Adam and were
very excited to participate. Lesley
I set my intentions and then connected visually with Christine very easily. I saw her brain light up readily on her right side, but her left side seemed atrophied and was slower to respond. So, I focused visualizing on her left side of her brain and then saw it light up too. Then all the little lights on her right and left side began to spiral together in one flowing energy. This then disappeared and a large glowing, spiraling light appeared that connected with a large funneling tunnel of light through her crown chakra. I continued to visual and repeat my intentions as Adam recommended. Then after about 5 minutes I shifted to my heart and began to send compassionate energy. This also connected me with all of the positive intentions, good feelings and love being sent her way. It was very moving and very powerful! I was trying at this point to flow in unity with Adam’s intentions and then I could see that all of this was affecting her and her health and she was literally glowing! I stopped at exactly 10 minutes…at 1:25.
I attended your workshop yesterday in Vancouver. I feel so privilaged that I was able to participate in your project and listen to you speak. I felt completely overwhelmed with emotion after I heard Christine speak. Thank you so much Adam for changing my life. From this day on I will seek out my perfect next day. Sharon
Boy…I sure felt it. Can’t imagine what Christine must have gone through. Hurry up and get busy with the data for those who were not in Vancouver yesterday. We are bursting at the seams! And a big fat congrats on doing this on your own. That’s the way to get past the old school bureaucracy!YEAH!!!!! Elke
2 of us tuned in from Oro-Medonte in Ont. It was so exciting to be part of this and we are all waiting to see the results. It felt powerful as we connected remotely. Can’t wait to see the outcomes.
Best regards.
I enjoyed participating in the project yesterday. I found it very interesting that after a couple of minutes I felt very hot and could really feel my heart beating. Is this what a lot of other people experienced? Josh