/ EIN Presswire / It is heart-warming to hear Captain Trevor Greene speaking so clearly on CBC television for the Remembrance Day ceremonies. In 2006 he was attacked in Afghanistan with an axe blow to his head. His wife Debbie was told by the neurosurgeons that Trevor has a “severe neurological deficit” and was in a “persistent vegetative state”. The doctors indicated that they did not expect him to regain consciousness.
As stated in the Maclean’s magazine article last year, “The Reawakening of Capt. Greene”, this was when Debbie contacted Adam by email urgently requesting distant healing. The subject line read: “Canadian soldier injured in axe attack needs your help” and the email ended with “We’re hoping for a miracle now.”
That was March 15, 2006 and only two days later Debbie reported that Trevor was looking a lot better, improving by leaps and bounds. He was off the respirator and his temperature had gone down from 40.6C to 37.9C. He started wiggling his toes and moving his feet. She remarked to Adam, “Keep doing what you are doing.”
Adam has the ability to see the energy flow, and when he sees a spark in an injured brain, he knows that there is energy to reconnect, so he reconnects the energy flow to its healthy state. This is how Adam knew right away that Trevor could recover, as he could “see” neural activity and reconnections occurring in his brain during an initial distant treatment. The brain’s ability to reorganize neural pathways has since been recognized by neuroscience and is now termed “neuroplasticity”. This is what Adam stimulated during his treatment sessions with Trevor. He said that Trevor needed a jump-start for the brain to remember the proper flow and functioning.
Shortly after this Trevor’s lungs became a problem and the doctors said that they would have to surgically remove one lung within the next couple of days. Adam told Debbie that he would do another distant energy treatment on Trevor, this time focusing on his lungs. The following day, the doctors then decided that they did not have to remove a lung.
Once Trevor regained consciousness, Adam worked with Trevor and Debbie on focusing their intentions to heal through visualizations. The focus of Adam’s healing work is self-empowerment and teaching that we have the ability to influence our own health by focusing our own intentions. Intentions directly affect our metabolism and visualizations help guide them. Debbie wrote, “I will continue visualizing all of his synapses firing.” When Trevor first arrived into the Canadian hospital, his Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was 3 and within days he was upgraded to a 9- with 15 on the scale being normal and 12 talking. In April, Trevor had his tracheotomy plugged and he was able to speak.
His good friend wrote, “I can say first-hand that Trevor is talking to us and eating mango, laughing with Grace and Deb and looking out the window and able to start his visualization work with me this week all because of Adam’s role in his healing.” After one of Adam’s treatments in July, he was speaking in long, clear sentences to his visitors at the hospital. As Debbie wrote, “I don’t believe the doctors could possibly take credit for Trevor coming out of his coma or improving as they are doing very little. We firmly believe that he wouldn’t be where he is today without Adam’s treatments.”
Adam’s early treatments of Trevor’s injury and Debbie’s positive intentions have played a major role in Trevor’s recovery. Knowing that he is instrumental in Trevor’s ability to speak publicly has definitely made this Remembrance Day special for Adam and Trevor alike.