December 11, 2009 / EIN PRESSWIRE / Business professionals now have four new EIN News publications to choose from as the industry news-monitoring service announces the addition of these websites to the EIN News portfolio of publications.
Book Publishing Industry Today: Get all the latest news on the book publishing industry, from authors and publishing houses to Google Books and self-publishing. See the latest headlines at
Environmental News Today: Looking for a global perspective on the state of the environment? Environmental News Today delivers the latest news on pollution, carbon neutrality, the EPA, invasive species and more at
H1N1 News Today: The effects of the Swine Flu pandemic will be felt long after the current threat subsides, and H1N1 News Today covers all the angles from government response to pharmaceutical industry reaction. Continually updated information about the virus can be found at
Mesothelioma News Today: Asbestos health risks were discovered long ago, but the medical community has few answers for the deadly mesothelioma that exposure to the mineral has caused. Mesothelioma News Today searches for all the latest news on mesothelioma treatment, lawsuits, exposure and more at
EIN News monitors news in more than 80 industries and provides its members with a lengthy archive, meaning members can both effectively research topics and receive notifications about breaking news on that topic. New members to any of the EIN News publications can enjoy a no-obligation, one-week free trial.
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The EIN Presswire press release distribution service is a news-syndication solution that distributes news to more than 10 million visitors annually at EIN News and millions more through its press release distribution partners. A news source for leading journalists, decision-makers and industry professionals worldwide, EIN Presswire targets press releases to a wide array of worldwide business professionals in more than 80 different industries. EIN Presswire also offers affiliate network opportunities and news distribution to tens of thousands of news subscribers daily. Read the newest business news at and the latest world news in more than 80 different industries at