San Francisco Attorney Mary Alexander Calls on Lawyers to Aid Haiti
San Francisco personal injury attorney Mary Alexander
San Francisco, California — As the world grieves, and grapples, with the devastation that has struck Haiti, aid from around the globe is beginning to flow to the earthquake-torn country. But much more is needed, and one critical, powerful resource must be mobilized: the commitment — and compassion — of our nation’s lawyers. It’s a resource that’s been tapped to great success before.
“In the days following the tragedy of September 11, lawyers answered the call, providing free legal services to families that had been so horribly impacted by that terrible morning,” says Mary Alexander, a prominent San Francisco attorney ( helped launch Trial Lawyers Care, one of the largest pro bono legal services initiatives ever undertaken.
The organization would go on to help more than 1,700 families file claims under the federal government’s victim compensation fund (providing, at no cost, over $200 million worth of legal services). As past president of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (now the American Association of Justice) and Consumer Attorneys of California, Alexander has built a long track record helping individuals in need both inside and outside the courtroom. Now she calls on her fellow lawyers to join her in assisting those struck by Haiti’s sudden and almost unimaginable disaster.
“Haiti is in dire need of help, and financial donations,” says Alexander. “As lawyers, we have the ability to provide both. So many of us entered the legal field because we wanted to help and protect others. That goal doesn’t end with our clients. It extends to anyone in need. We showed that on 9/11. We’ve shown it again and again. And we need to show it now.”
A nationally recognized personal injury lawyer, she has spent the past quarter century fighting for, and vindicating, the rights of those who have suffered great and unexpected harm. “Social responsibility is something you hear a lot about these days,” says Alexander.
“Companies, the news media — they are increasingly focusing on it. But for many of us in the legal community, social responsibility has always been the foundation of our work, our goals, our lives. Whether we’re taking out our law books or our checkbooks, the mission is the same: to help those whose lives have been turned upside down. Haiti presents unprecedented horrors and challenges. But we can help. And we must help.”
About Attorney Mary Alexander
Mary Alexander is a leading California personal injury attorney based in San Francisco. Alexander has had more than 25 years of experience practicing in this area of law. She is a former president of the Association of Trial Layers of America (currently called the American Association for Justice). Accident victims and others who are in need of qualified legal assistance from an experienced California personal injury attorney may contact the law firm of Mary Alexander & Associates by visiting: