/ EIN Presswire / Atlanta, GA. When Sexual Harassment Feels Like Prostitution by J. Anita Lafayette, a new book released and sold on Amazon.com. This book is written with plenty humor regarding the author’s experiences as an employee, who has been sexually harassed for over a decade. Like, Nell Scovell, who had quit working for David Letterman, claimed the office was sexually charged. The author over 50 years old with brain cancer knows many offices are sexually charged. The terms, sexual harassment and discrimination, do not clearly explain the misdeeds committed against some employees in the workplaces. The author has descriptively explained sexual harassment is both, discrimination and prostitution in some instances in this very revealing book.
The company’s trained staff on how to avoid sexual harassment and how to handle sexual harassment problems in the workplace are the managers and the supervisors, which are statistically half of the sexually aggressive problem in the workplaces. The bosses are targeting his or her subordinate employees, which delivers a more devastating consequence to the subordinate employees. This book gives the sexually harassed females or males, like the author a voice to debate a new topic of discussion, When Sexual Harassment Feels Like Prostitution.
This new timely subject is to help liberate the hundreds of thousands sexually harassed victims, to spark laughter, and maybe tears, but empower employees. The author bringing to the forefront the definitions of prostitution and some sexual harassment actions are exactly the same. Every working employee should read this new book out. The book is a serious topic, but this book is written with humor. This book will change the way we think about sexual harassment, before you get to the end of the book. Some will laugh, some will cry, and some will be amazed they will be able to debate sexual harassment on a whole new level.
Media Contact:
J. Anita Lafayette
J. Anita Lafayette Publishing
The website address is www.janitalafayettepublishing.com. The author may also be contacted at WSHFLP@yahoo.com or through the contact page of the website listed.
Book Trailer: http://www.slide.com/r/pSdVXmIx5z_B-H47uRaaRfSekWUDOEkC?previous_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original