Complaints of lawyer misconduct have increased amid the mortgage crisis.
U.S. ( – Complaints of lawyer misconduct have reportedly risen significantly amid the mortgage crisis. As reportedly by the Associated Press (AP), many homeowners allege they have been victimized by predatory loan modification attorneys, who have taken advantage of their poor financial situation as they face foreclosure on their homes and struggle with mortgage refinancing.
As noted in the report, the growing problem has prompted many state bar associations across the country to take the initiative to deter participation in such ill advised practices. Suzan Anderson, lead mortgage fraud prosecutor for the California State Bar, is quoted by the AP as stating of the numerous complaints she receives daily, “The complaints are still going through the roof.”
As further noted by the AP, a law was passed in California last year that barred lawyers from collecting fees for work done with foreclosures in advance. – The latest in Legal News
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