February 26, 2010, Champaign, Illinois /EINPRESSWIRE.COM/ — Wolfram Research today announced plans to give the Central American technical computing community a first-hand look at the powerful new capabilities of Mathematica 7 during the Costa Rica Mathematica Conference 2010, which runs March 17 & 18.
The Costa Rica Mathematica Conference 2010 will give both experts and beginners a unique opportunity to experience the powerful advancements of Mathematica 7, including integrated image processing, parallel high-performance computing, and on-demand data. The tour will also highlight Mathematica’s impact on a wide range of fields, from engineering and finance to research and education.
The two day conference will feature local Mathematica experts who will demonstrate Mathematica’s exciting new technologies and help attendees learn how to incorporate Mathematica 7 into their work. In addition to the featured talks by local users, there will be complimentary hands-on Mathematica 7 training offered on both days, so attendees can discover the breadth of Mathematica’s breakthrough new capabilities. Anyone interested in science, engineering, finance, research, or education is invited to attend the free seminars.
Space is limited and a high turnout is expected, so early registration is recommended. Registration details and a complete schedule are available at:
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About Wolfram Research
Wolfram Research is a powerhouse in technical innovation and pursues a long-term vision to develop the science, technology, and tools to make computation an ever-more-potent force in today’s and tomorrow’s world. In its recently released Mathematica 7, Wolfram Research delivered powerful new capabilities, including image processing, parallel high-performance computing, and new on-demand data–making the software more relevant than ever to everyone from leading researchers to students and other users. For more information, visit http://www.wolfram.com.