NBC interviews Raleigh divorce attorney Cathy Hunt about social media-driven divorces
Raleigh, North Carolina – As social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace continue to rise in popularity, connecting or reconnecting former classmates, past relationships, family members and friends, some are finding that these unique tools are harming their current relationships more than they realized.
Divorce attorneys and family law specialists are seeing this disturbing trend on the rise as separated husbands and wives are now claiming that a social networking website is the reason for the demise of his or her marriage. This trend is being called cyber cheating.
Recently interviewed on NBC, Raleigh divorce attorney Cathy Hunt (http://gailorwallis.com/chunt.html), of the divorce and family law firm of Gailor, Wallis & Hunt, PLLC in North Carolina, says she has seen more cases involving cyber cheating than ever before, citing social media as the catalyst for divorce.
Watch NBC Video Raleigh divorce attorney Cathy Hunt on NBC (http://digg.com/d31JinM)
“People are going onto social networking sites, like Facebook and Classmates.com, and are reconnecting with someone they used to know or date,” Hunt told NBC. She added that the communication typically begins as innocent chat and escalates to something more serious including emails, phone calls, online flirting and eventually meetings. Hunt said that, in some cases, this social media communication has led to one spouse leaving the other to be with someone from his or her past.
“A lot of people are really in what seems like happy marriages,” Hunt said. “They’re not bad marriages; they have families and children, and they have family life and family life doesn’t involve flirtation and that sort of thing.”
Tips to Avoid Social Media Relationship Pitfalls
• A husband or wife should evaluate his or her motivations before reconnecting with an old flame.
• When opening social media accounts, have open communication with your spouse about how certain situations will be handled, such as contact with or by an ex.
• Create a joint account, or give each partner access to each other’s accounts.
• Do not write anything that is suggestive or questionable on a social media site.
About The Law Firm
The Raleigh, North Carolina family lawyers of Gailor, Wallis & Hunt help men and women work through the emotional and financial entanglements that occur when a marriage or committed relationship dissolves. With over 80 years of combined experience, the firm offers highly competent and dedicated representation in the following matters; mediation, arbitration, separation and property settlement agreements, divorce, alimony and child support and equitable distribution of property with an emphasis on representing business owners.
For a confidential and personal review of your case, contact Gailor, Wallis & Hunt at 1-866-362-7586 or visit them online at http://www.gailorwallis.com.
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Raleigh, NC 27604-1455
(919) 832-8488