Dramatic Stage Drapery Design for Alice In Chains 2010 Concert Tour
Stage Drapery and Backdrop Manufacturer Sew What? Inc and Concert and Event Drapery Rental provider Rent What? Inc combined forces in February to provide a complete stage drapery solution for Alice In Chains 2010 concert tour.
Alice In Chains was formed in 1987 and not soon after achieved double Platinum status with their 1990 album Facelift. After a period of musical inactivity, Alice in Chains reunited in 2005 with new lead vocalist William DuVall. They released their first studio album in 14 years, on September 29, 2009. The Black Gives Way to Blue 2010 US tour features the music from the new album of the same title.
To celebrate the dynamic band’s comeback, the tour showcases a dramatic stage drapery design that both SewWhat? Inc. custom stage drapes manufacturer, and RentWhat? Inc. event drapery rental provider assisted with.
From the initial contact with Tour Manager Chuck Randall and Lighting Designer Mike Baldassari (MIKE-O-MATIC Industries) it was clear that the vision for the tour would be collaborative between band and designer. In particular, drummer Sean Kinney was very involved in the design process and had the band’s pulse in terms of concept and feel. “Working closely with Mike, Chuck and Sean from the offset was key.” stated Duckett.
A feature element of the final stage design involved a 44 head kabuki solenoid system which controlled a variety of single and double kabuki backdrops. A kabuki drop is identified when a series of electronically fired solenoids are released simultaneously and the drapery drops gracefully to the ground revealing the scene behind. Proud to be the chosen solenoid provider for this tour rental event and stage drapery supplier Rent What? Inc was involved from the inception. “Every client wants reliability in a Kabuki system. One missed cue could cost the show.” commented Marce Forrester of Rent What? Inc.
The stage drapery had to be durable, flame retardant,light weight and road worthy. “Of the various cloths that were tested by Mike Baldassari under studio conditions, the best projection image was also achieved from a ‘rain textured’ silver polyester scrim-like cloth. The final effect is spectacular.” noted Theatrical Drapery Manufacturer founder, Megan Duckett.
Sew What? Inc. is located in Rancho Dominguez, CA, and is well-known for its dramatic theatrical drapes and concert stage design, top fashion shows and other artistic staged venues. For more information on the stage drapery manufacturer, contact Sew What? Inc. at (310)639-6000, or visit www.sewwhatinc.com.
Rent What? Inc. is committed to providing an ultimate experience in both drapery rental products and customer service. Located in Rancho Dominguez, CA, RentWhat? has affordable pricing schedules, innovative damage waiver policy and fast and friendly service. For information, contact Rent What? Inc. at (310)639-7000 or visit www.rentwhatinc.com.
Press Release courtesy of Online PR News: (http://www.onlineprnews.com).
For More Information:
Media Contact:
Megan Duckett