/EIN Presswire/ Analysing the market for storage development in Europe
28th & 29th June 2010, Marriott Hotel Regents Park, London
Book by31st March 2010 to receive a £300 early bird discount
With the importance of securing reliable energy sources the value attached to gas storage facilities will continue to rise. Join experts at the 4th annual Gas Storage conference for interactive debate and in-depth discussion of the most pressing issues facing the industry. Book now before the 31st March to receive a £300 early bird discount.
Key speakers include:
– Pamela Taylor, Head of European Strategy, Ofgem
– Lubor Veleba, Managing Director, RWE Gas Storage
– Jo Vizor, Managing Director, E.ON Gas Storage UK Plc
– Walter Boltz, CEO, E-Control
– Christian Parbøl, Senior Manager, DONG Energy
– Bjørn Denninger, Economist, Energinet.dk
– Marc Partridge, Managing Director, Co-Head of Structured Finance, Gazprombank
Chaired by:
Margot Loudon, Deputy Secretary General, Eurogas
Plus a post-conference workshop:
Gas Storage: Planning for Safety
In association with: Entec
Contact Andrew Gibbons for more information or to secure your place
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6156 or email: agibbons@smi-online.co.uk