July 15, 2010 — The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is now a member of the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI), the company announced. FOSI works to identify and promote online best practices, tools and methods that also respect free speech.
Stephen Balkam, CEO of FOSI, said “Video games have become a major onramp for many children and adults to enter the online world and we’re honored to have the computer and video game industry as a resource with its remarkable leadership and positive accomplishments.”
ESA’s member base includes companies such as Electronic Arts, Nintendo of America, Inc., Disney Interactive Studios, Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Sony Computer Entertainment America and MTV Games.
“We look forward to contributing to FOSI’s mission and helping ensure that computer and video games remain enjoyable and safe for the millions of children and families who enjoy our industry’s remarkable games,” said Michael Gallagher, president and CEO of the ESA. “Joining FOSI will allow our industry to share our best practices and contribute to the broader conversation on pro-family Internet policies.”
Video games and children is a hot topic with the ESA right now as it is part of a US Supreme Court hearing to keep California from banning the sale of violent video games to minors.
For more ESA news, visit Video Games Industry Today (http://videogames.einnews.com), a video game news monitoring service from EIN News. Follow us on Twitter @einvideogames