On July 5th, 2010 the Close Combat Company, founded by ‘Captain’ Chris Pizzo, earned its 100,000th Close Combat Training System customer.
MIDDLETOWN NJ — This month, founder Captain Chris Pizzo announced that Close Combat Company LLC sold its 100,000th unit of its signature product, the Close Combat Training System. The sales numbers, when cross referenced with Alexa.com’s traffic reports, indicate Close Combat Training as the most popular martial arts training video world-wide.
The 4-DVD martial arts training system was created by Captain Chris Pizzo after he and his girlfriend became the victims of a near-fatal attack. Pizzo realized in that moment that people needed fast way to learn real-world self-defense skills that would protect them in an attack.
“The Close Combat Training System cuts through all the mysticism and tedious aspects of martial arts and boils it down to a handful of easy to remember and apply tactics. There are no years of training, no exorbitant on-going fees, no doubts that it will work in combat. CCT is true self defense in every aspect,” said Captain Chris Pizzo.
The 100,000 customers that have purchased the Close Combat Training System since its inception in November 2008 encompass a wide range of people. Law enforcement officers, teachers, martial artists, parents, and citizens who want to protect their freedom have all embraced the program.
Among the most common praises from customers relate to the program’s ‘down to earth’ training style, the rapid pace at which they learn the techniques, and their effectiveness in real-life situations.
“I am thrilled to have sold the 100,000th unit of the CCT program — but more importantly, I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to touch so many lives. There is nothing more rewarding to me than when a customer writes and tells me how they were able to defend themselves in a life or death situation. To me, that is the true measure of success,” said Pizzo.
About Captain Chris Pizzo:
‘Captain’ Chris Pizzo is a world leader in self defense and the founder of the Close Combat Training Company. Pizzo has appeared on the Today Show, Fox Good Day Tampa, and Good Day New York as part of his effort to educate the public about simple, yet powerful self-defense techniques they can use to protect themselves and their families against attackers.
About the Close Combat Training System:
The Close Combat Training System is the world leader in self defense training, health, well-being and the adventure lifestyle. The program’s aim is to educate the public on the truth about martial arts and self-defense and to provide information and skills necessary to defend their family and freedom.
Media Contact:
Heather Campanile
c/o Close Combat Company
1385 Highway 35 #277
Middletown, NJ 07748
Press Release Courtesy of Online PR News: (http://www.onlineprnews.com)