Oct. 28, 2010 /EIN Presswire/ – A study released today by the journal Diabetes Care finds that people who drink just one or two sugar-sweetened drinks a day are more than 25 percent more likely to to develop type 2 diabetes than those who have no more than one a month.
The study concludes that the nature of the drink doesn’t matter as long as its sugar sweetened. It could be a soda, an energy drink or sweetened teas.
The Harvard School of Public Health’s nutrition department research identified 8 studies with enough data to permit checking for links between sugary drinks and type 2 diabetes. The largest study followed more than 91,000 women ages 24 to 44 for 8 years.
In addition to weight gain, a known diabetes risk factor, the study tracked elevation in blood glucose and insulin, triggered because sweetened drinks are often consumed faster than the body can absorb them. This leads to insulin resistance.
The American Heart Association recommends that consumers limit sweetened drink consumption to no more than 450 calories a week in a 2,000 calorie a day diet.
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