08/27/2011 // New York, NY, USA // michaeltryet // David Andrews
The Fast Unlock iPhone is back! They have just released a new version of FastRa1n 0.2 (Mac and Windows) to Easy jailbreak and unlock iphone 4/3Gs 4.3.5/4.3.4/4.3.3 and the latest iPhone OS 5 Beta. This release is very easy to use and professional, it can unlock any iPhone version and baseband.
To Unlock and Jailbreak your iPhone Visit the Official website www.FastUnlockiPhone.com
The new version comes with many new features like enabling multi-tasking, home wallpaper and an option to enable verbose boot mode and battery percentage. It must be noted that this version of FastRa1n is in its new phase and its for all types of iPhones.
Note: This release WILL help you hacktivate or unlock iphone 4/3Gs 4.3.5/4.3.4/4.3.3. You’ll not need a registered UDID with Apple to get past the activation process. Therefore, You Can update to iPhone OS 4.3.5 if you rely on an unlock, as upgrading will upgrade your baseband but you will be able to unlock using FastRa1n.
If you’ve already got a jailbroken device — regardless of how it was originally done — FastRa1n 0.2 will allow you to change your boot logos, revert back to the stock Apple logos or even switch verbose booting on or off, all without having to do a messy (and time-consuming) restore in iTunes.
Many of iPhone users are worried about possible problems when they consider to unlock their iPhone 4/3Gs 4.3.5 version. Lot of them had bad experiences with not working unlocking iphone 4/3Gs services. They have paid for unlocks that did not work at all. Some of them have experimented with free unlocking solutions that have damaged their iPhones. It is very important to only use a high quality service to help you with the unlock, otherwise you will probably have to deal with expensive repairs of your iPhone.
There are many reasons to unlock your iPhone 4/3Gs using FastRa1n. You will be able to choose your preferred carrier, use your iPhone wherever you travel and much more. You should be also aware that it is completely legal to unlock your iPhone.
The jailbreaking saga has been a rollercoaster ride over the last two and a half years, with the unlockers gaining ground on Apple, only to be forced to go back to the drawing board with each new major release of iPhone OS. Common theory holds that iPhone OS 5.0 will hit the streets (along with a new iPhone 5), so the cat & mouse game will surely continue, and probably expand to include the iPad, when it hits stores in late March.
Social Media Tags:unlock iphone 4/3Gs 4.3.5, iPhone, unlock iPhone, jailbreak iPhone
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