10/28/2011 // Nampa, ID, USA // nexmatrix // Dianne Ursini
nexMatrix Telecom, LLC., a global provider of world class telecommunications solutions, announced today that North American Telephone and Video, also known as NATNV, has signed it’s first representative in Las Vegas, NV in anticipation of it’s office opening in 2012. The initial office will be a pilot for nexMatrix Telecom’s first representative for both nexMatrix and NATNV. nexMatrix will work directly with VARS and NATNV will work directly with consumers and businesses in the region from small offices, home offices to SMB and enterprise with representatives and agents.
In order to effectively work with VARS and companies, nexMatrix is launching 18 field offices in 18 cities in the United States and Canada in 2012. The new offices will incorporate a new model working with both VARS and businesses. The initial partner will be ICS Business Communications of Las Vegas providing direct sales and application support to it’s customers.
“By providing direct sales and application support with our nationwide reseller network, we will have the ability to penetrate with the full nexMatrix product line.”, said Dianne Ursini, nexMatrix Telecom, CEO. “Our VARS have been the driving force to our growth and this will provide an extension for sales and support to our existing and future reseller base.“
“We believe we can increase sales and provide additional products and services to customers such as the Protel PBX with predictive dialers right up to supply chain integration and private circuits.”, said Dan Harned, ICS Communications, President. “We and our customers have experienced outstanding service and excellent products providing a fast Return On Investment and a lower Total Cost of Ownership with support to back it up and look forward to the offices opening in Las Vegas”.
NATNV provides all products from nexMatrix Telecom including the Protel PBX, the Protelity hosted PBX, Private Circuits, SIP trunking, Level 4 and 5 softswitches under the name nexSwitch, and the ATLANTIS CRM/ERP application to name a few. If a VAR or representative does not know the entire product line, NATNV and nexMatrix steps in to assist.
Other offices include New York, NY, Salt Lake City, UT, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL, and Dallas, TX to name a few. The launch of all offices will be announced in the first quarter of 2012 with anticipated dates of location openings.
To learn more about North American Telephone and Video, please visit www.natnv.com
Social Media Tags:nexMatrix, Protel PBX, ICS Communications, telephone service, Las Vegas
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