05/09/2012 // West Palm Beach, FL, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras // (Blog)
OneSeoCompany.com provides a great explanation of the most recent addition to Google’s algorithm. In conjunction with the recent Panda and Penguin updates, Google has introduced a new tool in its spam fighting arsenal, all with the goal of providing the most relevant search results. Lawyer marketing teams need to get a good grasp on how entity search views long tail keywords as one meaningful phrases.
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Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras
Entities in terms of search are any items that have a real world existence that may be queried by users. For example, if the term “personal injury lawyer” is searched, traditional query results may have included items that represented the words “personal” “injury” and “lawyer” as separate terms. However, the new algorithm changes aid the search engine in understanding it and other long-tail keywords as one meaningful phrase.
Entity Based SEO for Lawyer Marketing & Branding
More Reading:Has your website been downgraded in the search results due to the Panda 3.4 update? Read more to find out about the update and what you can do to recover.
Injury Lawyer Marketing Alert – Was your website slapped by Google Panda 3.4?
More Reading:Search marketers should by now be on alert that Google is on a serious mission to improve the quality of content delivered to users in queried search results.