03/25/2013 (press release: mindstirmedia)
William May, a retired Chief of Police, explores Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in his new book, Once Upon a Crisis: A Look at Post-traumatic Stress in Emergency Services from the Inside Out (ISBN: 978-0988316201).
Once Upon a Crisis is an informative true story about a police officer cross-trained in law enforcement and emergency medicine that takes many unexpected twists and turns over a thirty-year career. An up-close account of surviving loss that takes a good look at post-traumatic stress from the inside out. A must read for emergency service workers, those close to them, anyone considering a career in the emergency response field, or anyone trying to overcome personal loss.
The Midwest Book Review recently praised Once Upon a Crisis as a “vital read on PTSD … brings light to very important topics, highly recommended.”
Once Upon a Crisis is available in paperback, e-book and audiobook formats: http://www.amazon.com/Once-Upon-Crisis-Post-traumatic-Emergency/dp/098831620X. For more information about Once Upon a Crisis, please visit the author’s official website at http://www.crisisbook.net.
To request review copies or to arrange an interview with the author, please contact the publisher at www.mindstirmedia.com/contact
About the author:
William May grew up in Townsend, MA; served in the United States Navy; and retired as Chief of Police in Townsend after a thirty-year career. He lives with his wife Jeanne in southern New Hampshire. Once Upon a Crisis is Mr. May’s second published book. He can be found on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OnceUponACrisis
About the publisher:
MindStir Media is a full-service self-publishing company that provides self-publishing assistance via several self-publishing packages. The packages include mentoring from a bestselling author; custom book design; royalties up to 100%; publishing in paperback, hardcover, and e-book formats; book distribution and marketing; and more. Visit the publisher’s website at www.mindstirmedia.com.
Social Media Tags:william may, ptsd, post traumatic stress disorder, book, mindstir media
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