[youtube id=”xjoEovRW27k”] Toronto , 10/01/2019 / Story.KISSPR.com /
Toronto, Canada – Godsaveslives.com the original creator of the Guardian Operational Device, has officially launched its website for users to purchase its devices. The Guardian Operational Device is currently in development by a group of young, bright students from across North America, working together to change the future of everyone affected by gun violence. The devices come in two units; the first a personal wearable device which can stop up to 100 bullets per load, and the second, a mountable unit for buildings which can stop up to 1,000 bullets per load. The devices use high speed cameras, motion detectors with lasers, and sound detection to analyze bullets and predict their paths. The device then launches its own projectile to knock the bullet out of the air.
The company is offering the personal G.O.D. for $599, and the mountable for $2,999. The company predicts both units will be available for launch by 2023. The students believe in this mission so much, they have foregone the option of applying for a patent, instead of realizing every company who wishes to pursue this product should do it freely, as the chance of saving lives means more than profiting from a patent.
The company is also accepting job applications on their website. Potential job applications are asked to email a short summary of why they would be a good fit with the company, and can email their resume to guardian@godsaveslives.com. The job posting is focused on Telesales positions for anyone who believes they can sell these products and stock. The company is offering a very competitive compensation package.
Embedded Video from godsaveslives.com
source: www.godsaveslives.com
Social Media Tags:Godsaveslives.com, stopping bullets, wearable device which can stop bullets
Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 12643