EIN News Officially Launches Newsfeed Maker 2.0, Reacting to High Demand for RSS News Feeds from Corporate, Media, and Blog Users
WASHINGTON, November 13 /EIN News/ — EIN News has announced the launch of the 2.0 version of its popular digital news service Newsfeed Maker that has already been providing headlines to thousands of websites the world over.
Easier to use, the 2.0 version also offers new tools for webmasters who need breaking news on their websites. With its cleaner navigation, more export formats to choose from and the option to modify already installed news sections, Newsfeed Maker 2.0 makes it even more comfortable to implement news headlines on your blog or website, whether private or commercial.
With its news index adding approximately 75,000 freshly published articles every 24 hours and feeding news to over 200,000 preset news sections, everybody can find the perfect newsfeed for their website or customize feeds based on their own keywords.
EIN is expanding its news syndication platform to meet a very fast growing market segment, said EIN News CEO David Rothstein, adding that the market for AP and other wire services is collapsing and EIN News is the best positioned company in Europe to benefit from the marketplace adjustments.
According to Mr Rothstein, Online publishers will no longer rely on single source services such as Reuters, Bloomberg, and AP. They now have the ability to bring in feeds specific to their interests from worldwide sources. The next phase involves creating a full-text article marketplace leading to greater profitability for online news publishers.
To try out the Newsfeed Maker, go to:
The publisher of the Newsfeed Maker, EIN News, was established in Central Europe in 1995, and through the years has built more than 200,000 news feeds organized within 50 individual news sites. The company has launched the well-known Russia Today brand and opened internet news access to China with Inside China Today.
Offering a unique combination of human editing and proprietary scanning software, EIN News won Europe’s coveted Momentum Award as the most innovative internet company on the continent. Serving thousands of customers daily, the company distributes its feeds online as well as via email or mobile news alerts.
Media Contact:
Talib Ujjainwala
EIN News
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For more information: www.einnews.info, www.newsfeedmaker.com