Reuters — New study was made on 45,000 participants by The University of Maryland, by analyzing 34 years data collection, they found that unhappy people spend more time watching TV for happiness feeling which is short feeling, while happy people spend time doing other thing as socializing and reading than watching TV.
“The pattern for daily TV use is particularly dramatic, with ‘not happy’ people estimating over 30 percent more TV hours per day than ‘very happy’ people,” the study says. “Television viewing is a pleasurable enough activity with no lasting benefit, and it pushes aside time spent in other activities — ones that might be less immediately pleasurable, but that would provide long-term benefits in one’s condition. In other words, TV does cause people to be less happy.”
The study, published in the December issue of Social Indicators Research, analyzed data from thousands of people who recorded their daily activities in diaries over the course of several decades. Researchers found that activities such as sex, reading and socializing correlated with the highest levels of overall happiness.
“TV is not judgmental nor difficult, so people with few social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it,” says the study. “Furthermore, chronic unhappiness can be socially and personally debilitating and can interfere with work and most social and personal activities, but even the unhappiest people can click a remote and be passively entertained by a TV. In other words, the causal order is reversed for people who watch television; unhappiness leads to television viewing.”
Unhappily married couples also watch more TV: “(Happily married couples) engage in 30 percent more sex, and they attend religious services more and read newspapers on more days,” reports the study. “While those not happy with their marriages watch more TV.”