Sheffield, MA – January 7, 2009 — Dogga Brown: The $50,000 Dog is the story of the author’s ill-fated entrance into the dog market many years ago when he purchased for a two-dollar contribution to the Humane Society one genuine brown dog. The purchase price for this animal turned out to be one of the most deceptive deposits ever put down on anything in the history of financial transactions. By the time the dog “crossed over” fifteen years later, her psychotic behavior had cost the writer over $57,000 and driven him into long-term psychotherapy with the eminent but highly eccentric Dr. Harry Frale.
This book will strike a chord with anyone who has had the misfortune of living with a disturbed dog whose destructive conduct has led to financial distress. And although the passing years since the dog’s demise have enabled the author to fall off of his chair from laughter when reading passages of this hilarious tragedy to friends and family, the actual events did not seem the least bit funny at the time. After all, reducing a house to its foundation, several sofas to their inner springs and a front door to sawdust is not the sort of thing any of us had in mind from a relationship with man’s best friend.
The only remaining dilemma for the reader is to determine whose behavior was more bizarre. Was it the dog’s outrageous transgressions? Or was it the remarkably unusual deportment of the psychotherapist?
Charles Steinhacker is an internationally known photographer whose color images of the landscape, wildlife, architecture and abstraction have been featured in National Geographic, Life and many other major magazines. He has published four coffee-table books of his photographs, created the photography program at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT and is represented in museum and corporate collections. He lives in Sheffield, MA with his artist wife, Linda Clayton. This is the first book he has published as a writer.
The paperback book is available for $14.95 at The Bookloft in Great Barrington, MA, the Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza in Albany, NY and the Market Block Books in Troy, NY. You can also order the book from and Or you can call 1-800-244-9120 or email your order at
Media copies are available upon request.