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Liberal Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg undergoes cancer surgery Thursday.
West Palm Beach, FL (–As reported by the Asscociated Press (AP), Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York on Thursday to treat her pancreatic cancer. A press release, by the Supreme Court, stated Ginsburg was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas late last month during a routine annual exam by her doctor.
Apparently, the pancreatic cancer is in early stages, but this may offer little relief for the Justice and the American legal system. According to oncologists, doctors who specialize in cancer treatment, pancreatic cancer affects nearly 38,000 people every year in the United States and less than 5% survive five years. Treatment for pancreatic cancer involves an intense surgical procedure typically followed by chemotherapy and radiation.
Ginsburg has survived her colon cancer diagnosis and treatment from 1999. She underwent colon cancer surgery followed by radiation and chemotherapy treatment. She was appointed to the Supreme Court by former Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1993. The high court suspects Justice Ginsberg to remain at Sloan-Kettering for another 7 to 10 days before doctors her release her home.
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