Northwest Workplace Violence Conference: Is Your Organization
Prepared to Prevent and Manage Workplace Violence Situations?
Portland, OR. April 28, 2009 — Northwest Workplace Violence Conference: June 15th and 16th 2009 from 8am – 5pm located at the Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, Oregon.
A must attend two day event for industry professionals! Join a premier group of Workplace Violence subject matter experts as they provide in depth coverage on understanding, preventing and managing potential Workplace Violence issues.
Workplace Violence is a real possibility: Would your company be prepared to handle an unexpected incident of violence?
The two day conference event will cover a variety of topics related to Workplace Violence such as:
* Understanding Workplace Violence
* Causes of Workplace Violence
* Employers Legal Responsibilities
* Effective Employee Relations
* Mitigating Risks
* Forensic Assessments “Predicting Violence”
Register now! The Northwest Workplace Violence Conference will provide Attendees with skills and techniques such as:
Ø “Serious and fatal workplace violence incidents are preventable.” Learn how to implement effective prevention measures.
Ø “A Zero Tolerance Policy leaves an organization vulnerable to Workplace Violence incidents. “Learn about the necessary elements for effective prevention programs.
Ø “Serious incidents of Workplace Violence are almost always preceded by warning signs.” Learn how to recognize pre-indictors of violence.
Ø “The difference between a potential Workplace Violence incident and a disaster is education and planning.” Learn what you need to know in order to protect your business, employees and customers.
The Northwest Workplace Violence Conference features a powerful faculty comprised of forensic psychologists, legal experts, law enforcement, risk management, and workplace violence specialists in corporate security.
Event Registration:
2 day Pre-Registration: $198.00 (available until June 10, 2009)
2 day Registration after June 10, 2009 and at the door: $270.00
Register now! Online at:
or at
Request a conference brochure:
Contact: John J. Posey, CPP, PSP
Corporate Security Services Inc
Phone: 888-822-4277 email: