Orrin Checkmate Hudson to Compete in the Las Vegas North American Chess Open
(Las Vegas) Six hundred topnotch chess players are expected at the 19th Annual 2009 North American Open 7 rounds chess competition. Orrin Checkmate Hudson, international motivational speaker, founder of Be Someone, Inc. and author of One Move at a Time, is among those vying to get in the game. To raise awareness for his award winning crime prevention and educational program, Be Someone, Hudson, also a champion for our youth, is participating in the 19th Annual 2009 North American Chess Open over the Christmas holiday. The highly acclaimed tournament will be held at Bally’s Casino Resort, 3645 Las Vegas Blvd, South, Las Vegas, Nevada from December 26 through 29.
“My husband, Bill, and I are so pleased Orrin is participating again. Orrin is committed to teaching our youth strategies they need to succeed, and we are looking forward to having him participate. We anticipate other big name chess players to attend, as well. This could be our biggest event in recent years.” Brenda Goichberg, tournament organizer. “We want to invite anyone interested in chess to attend. There is no charge for spectators and only a small fee to play. Anyone can enter and play and are eligible for the $10,000 purse. Our website has more details, www.chesstours.com”.
Hoping to connect with other chess players and fans, Hudson is bringing his A-game. He recently participated in the World Open in Philadelphia, PA, and was able to meet and share his vision of teaching 1,000,000 students how to play chess and make the right moves in life.
Hudson founded Be Someone in 2001 to mentor at risk students in the game of life, using chess as a metaphor to life’s lessons.
He is currently on a 50 state tour and has touched the lives of over 20,000 students.
Must See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLFENGymr34
“The chessboard levels the playing field. You have everything you need to succeed, so it’s not about blame it’s about aim. My students learn how to think like a champion, whether they are playing chess,
reconnecting with their school and education, or dealing with tremendous negative peer pressure in their communities. They learn to think it out, don’t shoot it out; push pawns, not drugs; and how to make KASH (K – Knowledge, A – Attitude, S – Skills, H – positive Habits) king in their lives.” Orrin Checkmate Hudson
Orrin first game will be 7:00PM December 26, 2009 and he will be available for interviews December 26, 2009 from 9:00AM to 6:00PM
About Be Someone
Founded in 2001, Be Someone is a non-profit crime prevention program aimed at the youth of America. Be Someone teaches self-esteem, responsibility and analytical thinking skills to at-risk youth through numerous tools, including the game of chess. Be Someone also offers inspirational programs for corporations and parents, designed to foster teamwork and encourage participation in the lives of children. If you are interested in donating, volunteering or learning more about Be Someone, please visit http://www.besomeone.org.
For more information contact Janice Davis 678-526-0292,info@besomeone.org