Law Firm Marketing – How Lawyers can Increase traffic using Twitter
A recent blog post about increasing one’s Twitter following may prove beneficial for attorneys and law firms in facilitating more effective communication with prospective clients.
Dallas, Texas — Social networking websites being viewed as something reserved for teenagers and those simply looking for friendships is a thing of the past. Popular websites like Facebook and Twitter are proving to be effective marketing tools for professionals in a range of fields including law. Resources like Twitter are particularly effective for attorneys and law firms seeking to strengthen client relationships, increase awareness about their availability to prospective clients, and offer general legal advice or support to the public.
Worthy Advice
A recent blog post by Digg founder Kevin Rose, who has also invested in Twitter, that lists ways users can increase their number of Twitter followers, provides advice applicable to those in the legal field. Among the key points of advice outlined by Rose, which attorneys may find most beneficial for law firm marketing are:
• Encouraging followers to retweet, which results in more visits to one’s profile
• Providing a detailed bio (which for attorneys allows visitors to learn more about their services or firm)
• Putting one’s Twitter account on display (attorneys and firms may include a link on their professional website, business cards, and in newsletters, and on other mailings or handouts)
• Being mindful of the habits of Twitter users with a high following and their habits
• Keeping track of new users and followers (This information can be used to improve marketing strategies)
These and other strategies are viable, cost-effective means of helping attorneys potentially increase their client base. Dallas based lawyer website design and lawyer marketing, search engine optimization agency is available to assist legal professionals interested in a range of attorney web marketing solutions, including those that incorporate online law firm social networking mediums such as Twitter, with building their brand, and generating more client leads from increased website traffic.
For more information on legal website design services, web marketing for lawyers, please visit
The full blog post by Kevin Rose can be viewed by visiting