Winners of the ICIMOD Competition ‘Media Reports on Climate Change in the Himalayas’ (17 February 2010)
/EIN Presswire/ The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is pleased to announce the results of the competition for journalists for articles with a theme related to climate change in the Himalayas. The competition was organised by ICIMOD from 24 September to 15 December 2009. The aim was to capture published media reports and to encourage journalists to write on mountain, and especially Himalayan issues. The competition was open to written articles and reports first published in a printed or online publication between 01 August and 07 December 2009 (the start of ‘COP 15’ in Copenhagen). The judging criteria were based on composition, content, originality, and overall effectiveness in conveying the message.
International Category
Winner: Anjali Derryn Nayar
Country: Canada
Title: When the ice melts
Published in Nature Journal on 22 October 2009
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Runner Up: Laurie Anne MacGregor
Country: United Kingdom
Title: Moderelvenes død – Death of a Mother River
Published in Folkevett magazine on 26 October 2009
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Regional Category
Winner: Farrukh Ahmed Chishtie
Country: Pakistan
Title: Glacier flooding: A renewed Threat
Published in Subh-e-Nau on 5 November 2009
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Runner Up: Ramesh Prasad Bhushal
Country: Nepal
Title: Cash on forest to fight climate change and earn foreign exchange
Published in The Himalayan Times on 17 September 2009
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Outstanding Regional Young Journalist Award
Winner: Smriti Felicitas Mallapaty
Country: Nepal
Title: Glaciers take the heat
Published in Himal Southasian, October-November Issue 2009
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Special Mentions
Special Mention: Mahfujur Rahman
Country: Bangladesh
Title: Climate change impact on extended Hindu Kush Himalayan Region
Published in The Daily Star on 7 November 2009
Original article link:
Special Mention: Joydeep Gupta
Country: India
Title: From a receding glacier, an SOS to the world
Published in Indo-Asian News Service on 22 September 2009
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Congratulations to all the winners!